Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Mineral Makeup Application Technique (part 1 of 2)


Women are now exploring the benefits of mineral makeup.  Since 1970, when mineral cosmetics were first released in the market, women worldwide are slowly discovering its good effects on the skin.  Like any other makeup, it is no good when it is not applied appropriately and correctly.

Since mineral makeup is different from conventional makeup, this would require a different application technique.  When using mineral cosmetics, make sure to start with only a small amount.  You can just add more makeup if you feel that it is not enough.  Sometimes, we tend to put too much completely unaware that when something goes wrong we would have to take everything off.

Here are some mineral makeup application techniques that you could easily apply.

For foundations:

• The good thing about mineral based foundation is that they are different from traditional foundation that tends to “suffocate” your skin specially on hot, summer day.  During this type of weather condition, this kind of foundation can be refreshing.

• You start with a kabuki brush to make sure that the skin is covered fully and evenly with foundation.  Once you have made sure that the foundation is even, you can apply mineral veil which would define features and enhance your face.

• When using wet foundation, you can still use your kabuki brush.  When applying wet foundation, first twirl you kabuki to make contact with the foundation.  Then spray some moisture to the brush to make it wet.  You can start applying the foundation to the skin.

• Mineral foundations are also great concealers.  They can make small imperfections go away.  Bronzers and blushes are applied in the same way as foundations.

• If you want heavy foundation, try using sponges.  A damp sponge can give your face a heavier and more intense look.

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